In August 2021 ukactive launched Digital Futures, a new programme in partnership with Sport England. Based on collaboration with the leisure sector, the programme aims to improve the application of digital within leisure to enhance consumer experiences and value to operators.
Digital Futures has been designed to support the fitness and leisure sector to measure its digital maturity and effectiveness, and provide a reference point to build out a clear path of further understanding that meets the needs and demands of the consumer. This report will support operators in the enhancement or design of their own digital transformation journey as well as identify the challenges and opportunities for digital adoption.
The report concludes that to build out a programme in line with the needs of the sector, there needs to be greater understanding and insight to help inform its development. Significant steps have been made over the past 18 months as operators have had to develop a digital mindset to support consumers. In addition, transparency about the current position helps to inform the sector about its current maturity levels and will collectively help us grow together. This is a tried and tested starting point used by other sectors.
To support this development, ukactive and Sport England will make the digital maturity and effectiveness survey available to all members year-on-year so that together we can evaluate the growth of the sector as we seek to implement digital measures and support you to build successful a digital strategy. ukactive, alongside Sport England, will develop a report every autumn to support your development. The digital maturity and effectiveness online tool are available here.

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