ukactive has responded to the new Sport England Strategy, Towards an Active Future, and welcomed the extra dedicated funding to turn the tide on inactivity.
Steven Ward, Executive Director, ukactive, said:
We welcome today’s announcement which commits an investment of £250m over the next four years to tackling inactivity, and recognises the shift in direction from Sport England to focus on engaging the most inactive people.
The Government’s “Strategy for an Active Nation” – published last December – was rightly acclaimed as a major directional change in Government policy with its ambition to deliver the behavioural change required to address the inactivity crisis this country faces.
Sport England’s new strategy – as set out today – will play an important part in delivering this ambition. ukactive and the physical activity sector welcomes the clear indication that Sport England will invest in those projects and programmes which are created with targeting inactive groups in mind. In this sense, the strategy is certainly a step in the right direction.
Going forward, full delivery of the Government’s ambitions will require a true diversity of partners which includes – but must be wider than – the sports sector.
We look forward to working with Sport England in full consultation to ensure that all roads lead to a comprehensive plan to get the nation moving, with all methods of delivery playing a part.
ukactive – and the 4000 members it represents – is raring to go to partner and deliver what is a very substantial part of the Government and Sport England’s plan, and which providers in our sector are uniquely placed to do so.

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