Plans to shape the future of public health, the workplace and the high street will be revealed at the ukactive National Summit on 31 October, the health body announced today (5 August).
In the most far-reaching agenda for National Summit to date, ukactive will bring together the most influential leaders and policymakers from the worlds of physical activity, health, wellbeing, politics, sport, infrastructure and business, at the QEII Centre in Westminster.
The theme for the biggest policy event in the sector’s calendar will be ‘The Backbone of a Modern Britain’, positioning physical activity, and the sectors that deliver it, as critical to the future health, wellbeing and prosperity of the nation. It will examine the three major areas of public life: How We Live, Where We Live, How We Work.
ukactive National Summit 2019 will show how the sector is inextricably connected and influenced by other sectors and institutions, from construction, housing and building developers, to employee benefits providers, and the insurance, retail and business sectors.
It will underline the importance of consulting with the sector during design and planning stages – not as an afterthought.
Supported by Headline Partners eGym UK and Willmott Dixon, the event is expected to draw more than 700 delegates to the heart of Westminster to unite behind the vision and plans.
As part of ukactive’s partnership with Sport England, the body will take a headline role in this year’s Summit, leading a dedicated workshop throughout the day focused on how its Active Environments strategy is making an impact across the country.
Chair of ukactive Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson said: “We must not allow the divisions in Britain today to define the health and wellbeing of our people – now is the time for the champions of physical activity to be heard.
“We have reached a critical moment for the physical activity sector and government to invest in the relationships that connect our mission to get the nation moving with the health and prosperity of a modern Britain.
“Physical activity must be a key issue on the political agenda; one which crosses party lines and departments.
“From infrastructure to business, public services to high street retail, our partner sectors can have a tremendous impact on our ambition to reverse generation inactive, transform working life and reimagine ageing.
“By bringing together the key influencers from across the UK, National Summit will set the pace and tone for new plans that will maximise the impact of physical activity as the backbone of a modern Britain.”
National Summit 2019 session overview:
The role of activity and prevention in the NHS Long Term Plan
This session will explore what the NHS Long Term Plan means practically for the physical activity sector, with the next decade set to see much closer working between the healthcare system, community organisations and fitness and leisure providers.
Combatting youth violence through physical activity
This session will assess the role the physical activity sector has in transforming the behavioural outcomes of children and young people – both in terms of the options and programmes available to them, and the settings they are able to access to enjoy the health and social benefits of physical activity and sport.
Regenerating the high street through physical activity
This session will examine how the physical activity sector can lead the drive to reinvigorate the high street, overcoming the barriers currently experienced and the opportunities this could bring.
Sport England workshop
This session will reveal how Sport England’s focus on Active Environments is making an impact across the country, drawing on the latest case studies and insights. It will provide delegates with information on a vision for the future, recent innovations as well as practical changes that can make an impact now – considering a range of environments from built facilities to public open space.
Sport England will share its thinking on how collaboration in the Active Environment can drive impact and will discuss the guidance and support available to assist organisations through the challenges faced in determining local priorities, outcomes and in making effective investment into facilities and services.
Delivering the ambitions of the Prevention Green Paper: are incentives, messages and behaviour change principles getting people moving?
This session will explore what is really getting people moving in 2019 – with new innovation, campaigns, concepts and offerings trying to impact the way we live and move. From rewarding people to move more though incentives, encouraging them with increasingly targeted messaging and campaigns, or providing them with the tools to take control and make informed and convenient choices – how does the landscape look today and what lies ahead?
Office 2030: A new working environment
This session will take a deep-dive into the future of the working environment, assessing the innovations and cultural and political changes needed to transform our working lives – with a creatively designed breakout room to provide a glimpse of Office 2030.
Book your ticket for National Summit here

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