ukactive has revealed plans to drive the debate next month at Elevate, the UK’s largest cross-sector fitness and physical activity trade show.
As part of its ongoing backing for the annual event, this year ukactive has been named Lead Supporter of a seminar stream called ‘Strategies for an active nation’. The seminars will help to build momentum behind the agenda outlined by Sport England’s 2016-2021 strategy ‘Towards an Active Nation’.
Leading figures from ukactive, including CEO Steven Ward; Public Affairs Director and physical activity Sector Disability Champion Huw Edwards; and Local Government Engagement Lead Steve Scales, will help deliver an ambitious two-day seminar and conference agenda that challenges the sector to fulfil its full potential.
This year sees the introduction of the new Elevate Thought Leaders Conference, sponsored by MINDBODY, during which Steven Ward will chair a discussion on unleashing the power of the sporting economy.
The session will bring together industry leaders and Business Council members to discuss the measures, policies and approaches required to capitalise on the economic potential of the physical activity sector.
Speakers include Andrew Honeyman, Head of Sport at Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport; Tara Dillion, Chief Executive of CIMSPA; Robert Cook, Managing Director at Virgin Active UK; and Kate Bosomworth, Sport England board member.
Steven Ward will also join a discussion chaired by Public Health England’s Physical Activity Champion, Dr Zoe Williams, on the role of exercise prescription in tackling the UK’s inactivity crisis.
Speakers will explore how GPs and the fitness sector can best work together to boost levels of activity among patients, dissecting a cross-sector model used by programmes such as ukactive’s Let’s Get Moving.
Panellists include Dr Stewart Smith, Medical Director and Social Prescribing Lead at St Austell, Cornwall; and Dr Dane Vishnubala, Chief Medical Advisor at Active IQ and Clinical Lead for Physical Activity in Yorkshire for Public Health England.
ukactive Public Affairs Director Huw Edwards will chair a session on inclusivity and driving participation among disabled people.
Huw was assigned to the inclusivity taskforce as physical activity Sector Disability Champion by Penny Mordaunt – then Minister of State for Disabled People, Work and Health – in 2017, marking a major milestone towards improving physical activity opportunities for disabled people across the UK.
The panel will explore shining examples of inclusive interventions, service adaptations, removing barriers to activity and engagement strategies. Panellists include Professor Brett Smith, Head of Research for School of Sport, Exercise and Rehabilitation Sciences at the University of Birmingham; Adam Blaze, Disability Strategic Lead at Sport England and Andy Dalby-Welsh, Deputy Chief Executive at the English Federation of Disability Sports.
Local Government Engagement Lead for ukactive Steve Scales will share his expertise with delegates during a presentation on company cost-saving measures. The session will explore where the greatest returns on investment lie, what savings can be achieved through energy-saving measures, how to negotiate effectively and extract value; and the savings to be made by investing in talent.
The inaugural Thought Leaders Conference will also include presentations by the BBC’s Dr Michael Mosley, MP Tracey Crouch, Sir Muir Gray, This Girl Can architect Tanya Joseph, WHO’s Alana Officer, National Obesity Forum spokesperson Tam Fry, NHS England Clinical Lead for Social Prescribing Michael Dixon GP, and Sport England Strategic Lead of Campaigns Kate Dale.
The Elevate trade show will see over 200 exhibitors from across the globe showcasing the latest cutting-edge equipment and technology in health, exercise and performance.
CEO of ukactive Steven Ward said: “If we are going to get more people, more active, more often and improve the health of the nation, we need the broadest possible coalition of partners.
“ukactive is proud to bring our network of partners – across the public, private and third sectors – together with Elevate to showcase the excellent work they do to embed physical activity in every walk of life.”
See the list of exhibitors, full programme, list of speakers and register for your pass now online at

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