The National Sector Partners Group hosted a Parliamentary reception yesterday (3 September), inviting MPs to meet with leaders from across the sport, recreation and physical activity sector. MPs heard from Sports Minister Steph Peacock, Kim Leadbeater MP and ukactive CEO Huw Edwards, who was speaking on behalf of the NSPG.
As part of the #TakeTheLead campaign from the NSPG, guests were able to discuss the opportunities and policies to support the sector in our shared ambition to make the UK the most active nation in Europe. They were also able to see firsthand some of the latest data and insights on the reach of the sector’s facilities and the potential for growth in their constituencies, thanks to services provided by 4GLOBAL.
ukactive CEO Huw Edwards delivered the following address:
“We wanted to host this event at the start of this new Parliament in order to bring together parliamentarians with leaders across the sector to forge new relationships, strengthen existing ones, and build a strong coalition of advocates in Parliament for the work of our sector.
Sport, recreation and physical activity is woven into the fabric of our communities, positively impacting the lives of millions of people across the whole of the UK.
It has a world platform through elite and spectator sport, inspiring millions through the heroics of their sporting heroes, is a shop window for UK plc, and can inspire the next generation to follow the successes we’ve seen recently in Paris.
It connects individuals, families, and communities to something of purpose in their local areas, providing connection in an ever-disconnected world, and generates pride in our local towns and the people we share them with.
And it supports the physical and mental wellbeing of people of all ages and backgrounds to both maintain good health and support recovery from poor health, allowing people to lead fulfilling lives at work and with their families.
And as we start this new Parliament, has the full power of sport, recreation, and physical activity been fully harnessed in our nation? Sadly, no. Can it be? 100% yes.
That is why the NSPG is united and unapologetic in calling for this new Parliament to match its ambition to make this country the most active in Europe. We are currently joint-11th among 15 comparable nations so there is much to do.
This bold ambition we believe meets the moment and both the economic and health challenges we face as a nation.
What we ask today and will do for every day of this Parliament is to co-create and co-deliver a plan that can begin delivering that ambition.
So please meet our ambitions on the fullest role we can play to create healthier and happier children and young people, equipping them better for adulthood.
Meet our ambitions on how sport and physical activity can positively strengthen communities, running like a golden thread that can reverse isolation, disconnection and loneliness.
And meet our ambitions on how we can take real pressure off the NHS by deploying the sector so it can help to significantly reduce those record levels of long-term sick and waiting lists, and help get people back to work.
There can be no growth without health and our sector clearly has an essential role to play.
The exciting opportunity this parliament has is to unlock the full potential of this sector, something previous parliaments haven’t achieved. The return on investment will deliver results for multiple departments, cross-Westminster.
The leadership in this sector is fully committed to this, and if the political will matches this, then there is a real opportunity for positive change, renewal and growth.
Thank you for coming today and we look forward to working with you all over the coming months.”
The NSPG is made up of seven partners: ukactive, Active Partnerships, the Chartered Institute for the Management of Sport and Physical Activity (CIMSPA), the Local Government Association (LGA), the Sport and Recreation Alliance, the Sport for Development Coalition, and the Youth Sport Trust.
To find out more about the call from the NSPG, read Unlocking the Potential.
Photo credit: Alick Cotterill

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