Statement from ukactive Chair, Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson
These are worrying times as our nation responds to the threat posed by Coronavirus. We are all facing increasing pressures on both our physical and mental health, as our lives and routines are disrupted – and we do not know for how long.
The significance of maintaining our physical and mental health cannot be underplayed in these circumstances, and the physical activity sector finds itself uniquely placed to offer support to people.
Physical activity facilities sit at the heart of our communities, and are dedicated to keeping us fit and healthy. In the weeks since Coronavirus arrived in the UK, staff at gyms and leisure facilities have been working around the clock, taking extra measures to ensure that all surfaces are clean and the public remains as safe as possible. They take their social responsibility incredibly seriously and I commend the work of ukactive’s members during this crisis.
Last week the sector received praise from PHE for the proactive response taken towards Coronavirus. ukactive and our members are in regular contact with PHE and gyms are being intensively deep cleaned where required by PHE, and customers informed.
As soon as PHE recommendations change, our members will respond swiftly and communicate this to the public.
The physical activity sector is one of the most innovative sectors in the UK and over the coming weeks it will adapt and respond in an agile way that ensures we continue to put peoples’ health first, and keep them active.
We all have a responsibility to keep our community facilities clean and safe, so that we can continue to lead active lives as much as possible. My message to the public is to follow the Government guidelines, to stay protected and to stay active.
For the latest guidance from ukactive and Public Health England, click here.

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