Joint statement from ukactive, Community Leisure UK and the Chartered Institute for the Management of Sport and Physical Activity
Our sector puts the health and wellbeing of its customers and staff at the heart of its work.
Following the Prime Minister’s announcement today (20 March) telling the fitness and leisure sector to close its facilities, we will be working with our members to support them over the coming hours, given the timeline provided.
ukactive, Community Leisure UK and the Chartered Institute for the Management of Sport and Physical Activity have been lobbying hard for urgent support for the sector and we welcome the announcements around payroll support within the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme, the extension of interest free loans for 12 months, the delay in VAT payments, and access of funding to include large and small organisations.
Over the coming hours and days, it is crucial we work with the Government and its agencies to access fully the financial support pledged by the Chancellor in his statement.
The ability to access this funding will determine how we cope and come out of this situation once the crisis has abated.
However, we remain unclear around the issues of rental payments and overheads for facilities, and support for the self-employed, and we will work to seek greater clarity on these issues with Government.
Our members will continue to support their customers even though the physical facilities will be closed – adapting and finding innovative new ways to help people to maintain active lives. We will continue to keep our nation healthy and active in the most challenging of times.
The fitness and leisure sector will reopen its facilities when it is safe to do so, and will do so with increased vigour and the energy that has always been its hallmark.

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