ukactive has begun the one-month countdown to National Fitness Day 2022, taking place on Wednesday 21 September, by highlighting the power of physical activity to support people’s mental and physical health amid the huge pressures faced across the UK.
A new Activity and Location Finder has been launched listing activities, events, facilities and digital opportunities from across England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales, so that people can find where to take part in free activities on National Fitness Day.
To support providers, ukactive has also created a National Fitness Day digital marketing toolkit, filled with useful tools and resources to help promote the day both in-venue and online.
National Fitness Day is the UK’s most active day of the year, powered by our nation’s gyms, pools, leisure centres, sports clubs, online providers, schools, workplaces and fitness professionals.
ukactive is also working in partnership with ITN this year to produce a special programme which will raise awareness of the day and showcase what the physical activity sector can offer all year round to support people’s physical, mental and social wellbeing.
The theme for National Fitness Day 2022 is ‘Fitness Unites Us’, and this year the campaign will highlight the role played by ukactive’s members in supporting not only people’s physical health but their mental strength – particularly given the current financial pressures facing many.
The day will see thousands of events across the UK celebrating the fun of fitness and physical activity , bringing people of all ages, backgrounds and abilities together to recognise the incredible physical, social and mental benefits being physically active brings to our lives.
The campaign has gone from strength to strength over recent years and in 2021 inspired a record-breaking 22 million people to get active on the day. Today, it represents a great opportunity for the sector to showcase the huge breadth of services and options available to help people live healthier, happier lives.
ukactive members have previously reported that National Fitness Day is one of their busiest days of the year with people coming to try out activities and classes, revisit with the gym floor, head for a swim, or invest in a piece of equipment, to reboot their fitness routine. They also report a spike in people wanting to become new members.
Huw Edwards, CEO of ukactive, said: “We recognise the huge pressures facing people in the UK today due to the cost of living crisis and the recent pandemic, each of which has threatened our mental and physical health.
“The physical activity sector is uniquely placed to help the nation by supporting people’s physical and mental strength, which is why National Fitness Day is more important than ever.
“We want to shine a light on the incredible stories from our sector which show the importance of physical activity to the nation’s future health, happiness and productivity.
“The dedication of ukactive’s members makes National Fitness Day what it is. I am really looking forward to seeing what our members can offer to make this year’s campaign the best yet.”
National Fitness Day takes place Wednesday 21 September 2021. To find out more or to register your location or activity visit or you can share what you are up to across social media using #FitnessDay.

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