ukactive has welcomed today’s announcement that Sport England has committed £1.2m to support the Chartered Institute for the Management of Sport and Physical Activity’s (CIMSPA) business plan to transform delivery of sport and activity services across the sector.
The Sport England investment covers a 21-month period and will enable CIMSPA to contribute to the workforce development goals of Sport England’s 2016 Towards an Active Nation strategy.
Steven Ward, ukactive CEO, said: “Sport England’s commitment to provide the financial resources needed to drive necessary investment in the sport and physical activity workforce is an investment in our sector.
“This will augment the important work already undertaken by employers and CIMSPA to develop a comprehensive professional standards matrix and quality assurance processes for all job roles at all levels, ensuring our sector’s workforce has the skills and professionalism to fully deliver on its undoubted potential.
“ukactive looks forward to working with CIMSPA, on this new, important chapter in its history. This is now a chance for CIMSPA to ensure the development of new professional and apprenticeship standards that deliver the specific knowledge, skills and behaviours required by employers for their workforce.
“The sport and physical activity sector influences almost every aspect of the way we live, and the 500,000 frontline activity professionals it employs are vital to delivering the government’s and ukactive’s mission to build a more active nation and address some of the fundamental issues this country faces, especially how they can be deployed to support the NHS.
“Furthermore, we will continue to engage government to ensure it fully appreciates the primacy of our sector and its workforce to the economic and social prosperity of this country.”

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