News ukactive and Sport England launch This Mum Moves workouts for pregnant women and new mums as more than half report activity drop during lockdown
COVID-19News ukactive welcomes Government response following call to reduce threat from landlords against gyms and leisure centres
COVID-19News ukactive says Government has just days to close loophole in Coronavirus Act as landlords threaten legal action against gyms and leisure centres
News 2,800 fitness facilities and 100,000 jobs at risk of being lost from high streets and communities within next 11 weeks
COVID-19News Physical activity sector urges Chancellor to provide greater financial support for self-employed workforce during COVID-19 crisis
COVID-19News Physical activity sector responds to Prime Minister’s announcement to close gyms and leisure centres amid Coronavirus pandemic
COVID-19News Coronavirus: Physical activity sector calls for special measures from Government to keep leisure facilities afloat
COVID-19News Physical activity sector uniquely placed to support UK’s response to Coronavirus – Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson
News Nike and ukactive Kids announce return of Active School Hero as programme expands from London to Birmingham
News ukactive announces partnership with HCA Healthcare UK to deliver workplace health and physical activity consultation