COVID-19News ukactive announces Active Ageing Consultation to improve sector offer for over-55s and people with long-term health conditions
COVID-19News ukactive calls for Scottish Government to recognise fitness and leisure facilities as providing an essential service
COVID-19News Leaders from sport and physical activity sector appeal to PM for urgent funding and central role in nation’s Covid-19 recovery
COVID-19News Fitness and leisure sector reports COVID rate of 0.34 per 100,000 visits since reopening in England
News One week to go! Bear Grylls with BMF to launch National Fitness Day from Battersea Power Station
News Landmark report shows £85bn value of sport and physical activity, as Great British Week of Sport approaches
News ukactive and Les Mills announce Born To Move support to help schools and families get involved in Great British Week of Sport
News ukactive, hospitality and retail trade bodies call for introduction of Property Bounceback Grant