COVID-19News Continued lockdown of fitness and leisure sector will cost £7.25m in missed health savings and £90m in revenue every week
COVID-19News ukactive calls for greater financial support and regulatory measures for sector’s recovery
COVID-19News ukactive calls for physical activity plan and financial protection for sector as new lockdowns threaten physical and mental wellbeing
COVID-19News ukactive responds to fitness and leisure closure following new Tier 4 announcement in England
COVID-19News ukactive wins Sports Business Award for leading COVID-19 protection in fitness and leisure sector
COVID-19News ukactive responds to inclusion of fitness and leisure facilities in new Tier 4 restrictions for Wales
COVID-19News UK fitness and leisure sector publishes most comprehensive data yet for COVID-19 rates among people who have visited gyms and facilities
BlogNews The UK’s relationship with partners across Europe has never been more important than it is now
COVID-19News ukactive challenges indoor group exercise ban as more regions enter Tier 3 restrictions in England
JournalNews Fitness facilities are no longer an ‘unconventional place for health’, they are a necessity
COVID-19News Professor Chris Whitty calls for physical activity to play key role in nation’s recovery and future
COVID-19News ukactive Kids and Nike recognise winners of Active School Hero 2020 for keeping students moving through COVID-19 pandemic
COVID-19News Fitness and leisure sector to offer free sessions for up to 100,000 people through social prescribing
COVID-19News ukactive responds to exemption of gyms and leisure facilities from new three-tier system in England