This year, ukactive’s National Summit brought together more than 600 decision makers and influencers from across government, health, fitness, academia and business to discuss the health of our nation and drive forward the prevention agenda.
Exactly one month on, we bring you the 5 key lessons from National Summit 2018:
- We need to speak with one voice to influence the Spending Review and post-Brexit Britain Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson warned of the dangers if the government does not make physical activity and prevention a key part of its health strategy, calling on political and sector leaders to unite as major policy decisions are made.
- We need to reimagine our approach to workplace health and ageing.ukactive launched its Reimagining Ageing report, which shows a potential saving of £7.6bn to the NHS and healthcare system if older people are supported to become physically active. As our population ages, it’s critical physical activity is embedded into everyday life. The report recommends whole-society collaboration and change, such as building activity into the working day and creating active environments through planning and design.
We had an overwhelming response to the report, with one of ukactive training provider committing to train 100 personal trainers over the age of 55 by Summit 2019.
- We need a holistic approach to our children’s health.Following the largest consultation on children’s physical activity in recent times, we launched a report that highlighted the need for a joined-up approach to tackling the most inactive generation of our time. Generation Inactive 2: Nothing About Us Without Us called on the Treasury to redirect underspend allocated to tax-free childcare to physical activity programmes and recommended developing schools into community hubs to support families.
- Physical activity is critical for combatting loneliness.In an age where people are more connected than ever, disconnection is becoming a growing problem with over nine million people reporting that they feel lonely. Alex Smith told us loneliness doesn’t discriminate and our expert panel discussed the role of the sector in building communities and personal connections. Jo Cox Foundation Ambassador Kim Leadbeater told us about the next steps for the sector:
- The partnerships formed at National Summit make a difference.Steven Ward revealed the progress the physical sector has made since National Summit 2017 – through the power of partnership. From Lawrence Dallaglio’s call for a new national campaign for physical activity, to John McAvoy’s plea for the industry to reach further into the justice system, Steve spoke of the incredible progress we are making together, across sectors.
If you are feeling inspired by the conversation at National Summit, please get in touch with a member of the team today. Get in touch []

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