Across gyms and leisure facilities in the UK you will see a minimum of five key measures continuing in line with any Government regulations to operate during the Coronavirus pandemic.
Here is what you need to know gyms and leisure facilities are committing to, when you are ready to visit:
1 | Hand Hygiene – continued promotion of hand washing and sanitisation. Preventing people carrying the infection into or around the facility e.g. on hands.
2 | Respect Space – whilst social distancing rules are no longer compulsory or have been relaxed in some areas from 2m, we appreciate that some people will still wish to have space when inside facilities. So please be aware, considerate and respectful of others who may still want to keep their distance. |
3 | Equipment Cleaning – continued promotion and carrying out cleaning of surfaces and equipment. To reduce the risk of viral transmission encouraging and promoting the wiping down of equipment pre, during and post workout. |
4 | Keeping Users Safe – ensure staff and users are not entering the premises if they are displaying symptoms of Covid-19. If they are displaying symptoms they should follow the Government regulations on testing and isolation. We are in this together, we must be mindful of others and all play our part.
5 | Measures Will Not Discriminate – working in accordance with Government advice, crucially committing that measures relating to COVID-19 will not discriminate against any customers or staff.
If at any time you feel a facility which is displaying the ‘ukactive Approved Covid-19 Response’ signage or logo is not upholding its commitment to these minimum standards, in the first instance please report this to the Duty Manager or General Manager of the facility. If this does not get effectively resolved, please request further support from ukactive, by contacting us as Please provide the name of the facility, its address (including postcode), the nature of the concern and the activity you have taken directly with the facility to resolve the issue, including the facility’s response.

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