Biggest ever National Fitness Day sees thousands engage in free activity sessions National Fitness Day 2016 saw more people get moving than ever before as…
A boom in wearable technology and Netflix-style workout services will transform gyms over the next 10 years and bring virtual fitness into our living rooms,…
Former Paralympian and Crossbench Peer says better attitudes and staff training as well as more inclusive marketing communications needed to inrease number of active disabled…
Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson, ukactive Chair, said: We support the government’s ambition to address the major issue of childhood obesity and believe it’s vital that we…
Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson has fired the starter pistol on the final sprint towards National Fitness Day 2016 by kicking off an innovative social media campaign…
Following the publication of the Behavioural Insights Team (BIT) report Counting Calories: How under-reporting can explain the apparent fall in calorie intake, ukactive Executive Director…
ukactive Executive Director Steven Ward has responded to new research published in the Lancet today, which highlights the dangers of physical inactivity. Following his comments…