The physical activity sector is increasingly being recognised for its importance in supporting both our physical and mental health. The role technology has to play in this is undeniable – however making sure technology’s impact is net positive is the challenge.
ActiveLab is already demonstrating that technology is being used in impactful ways to get more people, more active, more often. From the innovative start-ups ActiveLab works with, through to operators and suppliers adopting technologies to provide new and exciting physical activity experiences.
This is why we want your innovative products, approaches and expertise to inform our collective response to the new government consultation on the future of prevention.
Technology and prevention are now embedded at the heart of the Department of Health and Social Care. The Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, Matt Hancock, made it clear at the recent Public Health England Annual Conference that technology plays a crucial role in future of “personalised prevention” at the front line of the NHS. This combined with the newly formed NHSX division, technology is now driving the future of healthcare in the UK.
It is our responsibility to demonstrate the adoption of fit-tech is recognised as the combination of the prevention and technology agendas throughout the NHS. The ‘Advancing our health: prevention in the 2020s’ consultation represents our first chance to do this.
This consultation seeks to inform the Prevention Green Paper which will outline the government’s vision for a new approach for the health and care system – putting prevention at the centre of all its decision making.
Our opportunity
ukactive and ActiveLab sees this as a clear opportunity for the innovators in the physical activity sector to provide their expertise and leadership in improving public health.
We’d like to hear from you about how you have used technology to enable older adults, those with long-term conditions or those in socio-economically deprived areas get active. Be that individual products, specific programmes or innovative partnerships demonstrating the impact technology can have in our sector.
This enables us to demonstrate the power of technology to get more people active together. Collectively highlight the role our sector has to play in the future of prevention in the UK, and positioning your business at the forefront of prevention to government.
To submit your response, just email by Friday 4 October. Please keep your response to 500 words, use clear and concise language, and include relevant evidence and cases to support your submission.
Your response will form part of a sector wide response, led by ukactive, to The ‘Advancing our health: prevention in the 2020s’ consultation. This consultation will be published as a demonstration of the physical activity sector’s ability of leading the prevention agenda in the 2020’s – we’d love you to be a part of this.

More People More Active More Often