In this blog from ukactive Strategic Partner, Les Mills UK, Carl McCartney, the organisation’s UK Customer Experience Director – explains how operators can attract the next generation of group fitness instructors to their facilities.
One of the most pressing issues facing club operators is attracting the next generation of group training Instructors.
Attracting younger members into fitness facilities has been a key driver of the industry’s post-pandemic resurgence, but operators are still missing out on substantial growth opportunities.
Clubs across the world can kick member acquisition into overdrive if they can remove the barriers holding many young people back from joining facilities – and one of the biggest is making sure they see people like themselves working there. Bringing on board the next generation of talent helps young prospects feel welcome in our facilities and can ease the labour shortages many are still grappling with.
As every operator knows, instructors are the backbone of a thriving group training studio, with the ability to make a decisive difference in a facility’s fortunes and retention efforts. But it’s becoming increasingly difficult to find and recruit new instructors to keep your roster strong.
But, how can operators turbocharge recruitment activities and attract the next generation of studio stars?
1. Buddy up and show support
The next generation of gym users are ready to start training as Instructors if you can demonstrate that they’ll continue to have support once they’ve qualified. According to the report ‘Nurturing the Next Gen: Blueprint for Instructor Recruitment’ the top barrier preventing this group from starting their instructor journey is a lack of a mentor. 17% said they didn’t have anyone to mentor them throughout the process, with a further 17% stating they didn’t have enough confidence to train.
The good news is these problems are pretty straightforward to address. Perhaps the easiest solution is to call on your existing rockstar Instructors to help new recruits sharpen their skills and gain confidence.
2. Scout your studio
More good news: it’s likely your next great Instructor is already training with you: 60% of all strong prospects are currently taking part in group training. This makes your in-studio scouting activities crucial, as Next Gen Instructor Camryn, explains. “I would never have become an instructor if it wasn’t for my GFM picking me out. I didn’t know enough about it, but being told I should do it got me through the door and I haven’t looked back.”
3. The next Generation includes men
Perhaps due to historical associations with legwarmers, tights, and breakfast TV workouts, the historical perception of group training is an industry that skews female.
But, research has shown that 42% of strong Next Gen Instructor prospects are men – highlighting a surprising growth opportunity. Confidence is a major barrier keeping young males away from teaching, so emphasising the support your facility can offer is key.
4. Values and opinions matter
For prospects considering Instructor training, it’s not enough that you just have the right studio equipment or pay them the living wage as a minimum (a must for 76% of strong prospects considering instructing as a full-time job).
Prospects want to know your facility aligns with their values and will support them on the journey to becoming the best Instructor they can be. In tandem with their values, they want to make sure they won’t be standing still at your club. 69% of strong prospects are thinking of their career’s future prospects – and looking for strong pathways for progression.
5. Start scouting socials
If you want to fish where the fish are, social media is a solid starting point for finding your future instructors. They tend to have above-average social media usage stats, because sharing their fitness journey with followers is a strong part of their identity. In fact, 58% of strong prospects have a social media account dedicated to their fitness journey. And the content they engage with overlaps heavily with that of young fitness fans: YouTube, TikTok and Instagram all feature highly.
To learn more about Les Mills and to read the report Nurturing the Next Gen: Blueprint for Instructor Recruitment, click here.
Les Mills is a member of the ukactive Strategic Partner Group – find out more here.
Disclaimer: Any views or opinions expressed are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of ukactive.

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