Video Credit : Stefan Hyttfors
At Flame 2016, keynote speaker Stefan Hyttfors, will explore whether the sector is ready to take ‘the jump’.
We spoke to Stefan about his thoughts on physical activity…
Steffan Hyttfors is a leading Futurist, who works to study change and inspire as many as possible to embrace it. Stefan’s career has taken many turns, from starting out as a photo journalist, setting up an award winning PR agency in a big shiny building, to becoming a leadership consultant to global businesses including Nike, Toyota, Unilever, IKEA, IBM, AstraZeneca, HP, Eon and PwC. Stefan’s Flame session will look at how we will undoubtedly face disruptive change, no matter how we feel about it.
ukactive aim to get more people, more active, more often, how do you see the future of physical activity?
The more we can do in cyberspace, the greater the value of going back to basic with focus on the things we think are “real” like human interaction and physical activity. Today ordinary people are running ultra marathons, it wasn’t like that a few decades ago. Next we will focus more on physical activity in combination with nature, we will leave the gym for the wilderness and learn how to navigate, eat and live with nature. Vacations will be much more active and we can already see the growing interest for themed retreats like yoga-for-guys rather than just going to a destination.
What are your top tips to implement change that will see physical activity recognised globally?
Social welfare systems that provide people the feeling of security and politics that focus on well-being rather than just GDP.
Wearable health-technology that give the individual data about everything effecting lifestyle, health and longevity.
Do you think there is a ‘one technology solves all’ solution for the physical activity sector?
According to the WHO mental disorder will be the greatest health problem of humanity by 2030 so anything that help people feel better and suffer less will be hugely successful in the future. The challenges and opportunities are obviously many, that means solutions are many as well.
What is the one thought you would hope to provoke as delegates walk away from your keynote session?
In the future we don’t have to work, we will work because we like it and because its part of creating a meaningful life.
Any ‘secrets to success’?
Beat yourself! Never spend one second thinking about what others should to do differently, you are not perfect so there’s your focus, and there’s where you can create change.
Best advice you’ve ever received from a manager or senior colleague?
Remember that time is all you have.
Stefan Hyttfors
I keep physically active by….running several times a week.
For me, being active is important because…it makes me enjoy life more.
The greatest challenge I have faced is….running 110 km in one day.
The person I most aspire to is….my wife.
If I could be truly great at one sport or activity, it would be…yoga, because that would mean I would be enlightened.
For 2016 the greatest thing I would like to achieve is….to meditate every day.

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