By Janis Behan, Content Marketing Manager at Trainerize
Technology is becoming a key part of the success of fitness businesses. The need for health clubs and gyms to be online and even have their own fitness app is becoming more apparent, in order to attract a wider, younger or tech-savvy demographic. Even individual personal trainers have jumped on board with online training and using mobile apps to deliver workouts and nutrition. It’s proven to be an excellent way to promote your brand to consumers and engage with clients outside of your in-person training and regular marketing tactics.
There are several personal training apps out there to choose from. With many of them, you have the option to easily customize the app by adding your company logo, maybe even your own exercise videos, as well as a personalized welcome video.
The natural next step would be that when your clients search for your app in the App Store or click on it from their phone screen, they would see your company’s name and logo, rather than the name of the company that built the app.
As a business, the more people that see your logo and company name the better! We want clients (and future clients) to see our logo and associate that with training and health. Having a custom branded fitness app for yourself or your training studio can potentially trigger thoughts of fitness and eating healthy, just by having your clients see your logo when scrolling through the apps in their phone.
How will a Custom Branded Fitness App help build your online training business?
1. Generate word of mouth
If a client has a really cool app on their phone, they will want to show their friends and family, right? One of the best forms of marketing is word of mouth–you cannot put a price on happy customers talking positively about what your business offers.
2. Position your brand digitally
Purchasing a custom branded fitness app for online training will ensure that your logo is the one clients see when searching through their phone apps. They can also search for your company name in the App Store.
3. Stay Top of Mind
Gym members and clients will see your logo on a daily basis, not only when they open their app, which will make your clients feel more connected to your business and the goals you have both set out for them to reach. As online trainers, the more we can get clients to think about their training program, eating clean, and overall health, the better–because this can be the hardest part about online training. We are not able to get them motivated through that face-to-face connection during training sessions, but if having them look at our logo multiple times per day will help, that’s a start!
In the end, the key to building a successful business is not only providing a quality product, but creating a community of advocates around a unique brand.
Think about some popular logos you see on a regular basis that are highly recognizable or make you feel a certain way when you see them. Nike, Apple, Mercedes, and Starbucks are just a few examples of logos we see all the time, and would know immediately what they are. Why? Well for one, it’s about building a powerful, yet simple logo that is memorable (this is not an article about logos, so we won’t go into more detail on this). Another reason these logos are powerful is that they are in our faces all the time! The more we see a logo, the more we resonate with it and will be drawn to it. Think about when you are going to make a purchase–it’s the brands that are top of mind that you tend to veer to first.
This goes for your fitness business, as well! The more that clients, or even potential clients, see your face and your logo, the more likely they are to pay attention. If someone is shopping around, looking for a new gym or personal trainer, and they remember having seen your fitness app online–from an online advertisement, or from being shown by a friend–who do you think they are going to call first?
I hope this helps you think more about how you can continue to build brand awareness for your company in order to continue to build your online training business.
Learn more about Custom Branded Fitness Apps from Trainerize.

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