By Anthony Franklin, CEO, fibodo The Coronavirus crisis constitutes an unprecedented challenge for the physical activity sector. Thousands of facilities remain shut while personal trainers…
Oldham Community Leisure (OCL) has launched REACH, a new online exercise option, targeted specifically at members of the community who may have reduced mobility, underlying…
By Timothy Mathias, Head of Inclusion, ukactive Despite restrictions imposed by government since 20 March, the physical activity sector has shown incredible resilience and unrelenting…
ukactive has issued the following statement in response to the Chancellor’s announcement on changes to the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (29 May) Huw Edwards, CEO…
ukactive has issued the following statement today (29 May) in relation to plans for reopening across devolved governments in the UK Huw Edwards, CEO of…
The All-Party Parliamentary Group for Sport met yesterday (21 May) to discuss the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the sport and physical activity sector,…