ukactive is delighted to announce today (20 August) the first edition of the Great British Week of Sport, celebrating the power that sport and activity…
By Kerstin Obenauer, Country Director, EGYM UK As leisure facilities start to re-open after months of closure, it’s worth taking stock and considering what we…
ukactive has issued the following statement today (17 August) following the publication of official reopening guidance in Scotland Huw Edwards, CEO of ukactive, said: “We…
ukactive has issued the following statement today (13 August) about reopening gyms and leisure facilities in Scotland Steven Scales, Client Services Director at ukactive, said:…
Elaine Briggs, Director of Education, Training and Innovation – Future Fit Training, Managing Director - Future Active Workforce CIC Following the unprecedented decision to close…
ukactive, along with hospitality and retail trade bodies, has today (10 August) called for government support to end the COVID-19 rent crisis, which is seen as one of the biggest…
ukactive’s Active Uprising Awards, which represent the biggest celebration of excellence in the sector, has been postponed until 2021. In light of the ongoing uncertainty…
ukactive and partners, in collaboration with the City of Birmingham School, today (6 August) announce the expansion of the Open Doors programme across Birmingham, using…
By Kenny Butler, Head of Health & Wellbeing Development at ukactive Whether it was a newfound interest in getting out and about for that daily 'lockdown walk or cycle' or…