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The Government should unlock the potential of a growing physical activity sector to achieve its economic growth ambitions, according to ukactive Chair Mike Farrar, who has urged substantial investment into the sector as the NHS promises to move towards more prevention.

He told health and business leaders at the Active Uprising conference in Westminster today (6 March) that “a nation that is more physically active will be more economically active”.

The former CEO of the NHS Confederation also announced the publication of a new blueprint, tipped as a vital step towards securing national health, growth and renewal.

The document, shaped in collaboration with Active Partnerships, NHS England, Government officials, Sport England, NHS Horizons and ukactive members, aims to provide the optimal framework to enable the NHS to work with the physical activity sector to build a healthier nation.

Mike, who led the NHS Confederation from 2011 to 2013, strongly encouraged the Government to arrest growing levels of sickness across the nation and to ensure a stronger workforce and economy, identifying that it has the opportunity to invest in the physical activity sector as an evidence-based industry success story.

Mike Farrar said: “As it reaches for quick wins, our government has a great opportunity to stand fore square in support of the industry that sits behind a healthier nation – the physical activity industry.

“I know that the Government can achieve growth through health – a nation that is more physically active will be more economically active. Any growth plans will need to focus on immediate growth as well as long-term strategy such as plans for airport runways.

“This sector can help deliver on ambitions for economic growth in this parliament. Our industry is growing, but we can, and wish, to do so much more.

“Putting more energy into backing sectors on the up, helping drive greater growth in our sector, will not only have significant economic benefits but also help the NHS – this is a win-win. Our industry is growing, but that progress can be accelerated by taking off the handbrake that’s holding back our sector.

“Social prescribing and building physical activity into care pathways now provide the opportunity for the NHS to address the needs of tens of thousands of people suffering from chronic conditions and to help them avoid costly hospital admissions and loss of independent living.

“This is where the forthcoming 10-year vision for health can really signal a shift in priorities and resources by establishing a new relationship between the NHS and the physical activity sector.

“If we do not address our population’s worsening health with true preventative measures, our economy will struggle immensely to be supercharged, the way we all hope.”

Mike’s message comes as the Government battles the consequences of a sick nation, with workplace sickness costing £138bn and poor mental health among employees costing UK businesses £51bn a year.

Research from the McKinsey Health Institute and the World Economic Forum, shows that improving employee health and wellbeing could generate up to $11.7tn in global economic value.

At the same time, despite increases in operating costs such as rising energy bills and the upcoming rise in National Insurance contributions, the physical activity sector continues to grow, with research pointing to increasing demand for gyms, leisure centres, sport and fitness services, as consumers prioritise their physical and mental health.

Mike said: “The Government is fully committed to backing growth and that can be translated into real action. Our nation is at a crossroads. Will we now choose true prevention when it comes to our health and wellbeing, and seize the opportunity to place physical activity at the heart of our national renewal?

“As the Spending Review approaches and the Government plans its investment strategy for the future of our nation, this is a golden opportunity to fully engage, and work with us to build a better, stronger Britain.”

The new blueprint from ukactive, Active Partnerships and partners builds on the Government’s own ambition to shift support from treatment to prevention and hospital to community. It is the first framework designed collectively by the health sector in coalition with the physical activity sector.

The blueprint outlines principles and actions that will support the NHS and its partners to achieve the 10-year vision for health and care.

It features eight key components to help ensure the right governance, partnerships, pathways and messaging are being delivered to drive the uptake of physical activity provisions and support the health of local communities.

In the long term, one ambition is for the delivery of the components within the blueprint to put an end to the current ‘postcode lottery’ when it comes to physical activity and health interventions, by enabling the delivery of industry-led physical activity programmes and initiatives to be integrated fully into the health and care system.

Its publication comes at a pivotal time as the Government develops its 10-year health plan that will be published in Spring 2025.

Physical activity helps prevent 20 chronic conditions, including type 2 diabetes, obesity, heart disease, many types of cancer, MSK conditions, depression and anxiety, and dementia – generating over £4.1bn in healthcare savings every year.

To read the blueprint, ‘Building the optimal relationship between the health and care system and the physical activity sector, click here.