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Emily Campbell took the spotlight at the Paris Olympic Games this year, where she won bronze for weightlifting for Team GB. Following on from a successful season, Emily joined ukactive as an ambassador for National Fitness Day, where she championed our message of ‘Your Health is for Life’. 

In this Q&A, Emily tells us how she prioritises her own health and wellbeing, with top tips for anyone beginning their own health journey. 

What motivates you to keep fit and how do you stay motivated? 

Emily: Recognising how good exercise makes me feel mentally and physically keeps my motivation high. I enjoy working out and challenging my body and mind. 

What’s your weekly fitness regime in training? 

Seven sessions a week of weightlifting and one session a week of reformer Pilates. 

Why is weightlifting good for you up – what are the benefits?   

There are several benefits to weight training: it increases muscle mass, improves bone health, promotes fat loss, enhances mental health, supports long-term mobility and balance and it can be adapted to all levels. The biggest plus is regular strength training is linked to a longer life. Strong muscles support the body in aging, reducing the risk of falls, fractures, and illnesses associated with weakness or frailty. 

Apart from weightlifting, are there any other things you do to keep fit?   

Reformer Pilates and walking.  

Do you listen to music when you’re working out and if so what kind?? 

Yes, I listen to all types of urban music – my favourite is Dancehall and Scoa.  

What are your tips and advice for a novice wanting to get fitter? Where should they start? 

Start with small steps. When my mum started on her fitness journey I told her on her very first day to walk until she couldn’t walk anymore and then the day after she tried to walk a bit further and slowly developed into being able to walk 5k. Try different types of fitness and exercise until you find one that you really enjoy – you might not find it straight away! 

Are there mental health benefits to being fitter? 

Yes, absolutely – exercise can boost mood, reduce stress, and improve overall wellbeing. Fitness also teaches you lots of skills such as discipline and goal-setting that you can apply to daily life. 

Any tips for sticking to a fitness regime?  

Do something you enjoy; with people you enjoy being around. Set yourself small goals! 

How important is it to eat right at the same time and fuel your fitness? 

Food = Fuel. Having the right food around training is crucial. It’s about giving the body the good it needs to perform at its best. 

Why is National Fitness Day important? 

Fitness should be a part of everyone’s life in some way, shape or form. So, it’s important to provide opportunities for everyone to be involved in some way, whether that’s starting for the first time or helping others get involved. Fitness is also an amazing way to connect people and communities and improve people’s mental health, and National Fitness Day is another way to build this fitness community. 


Emily joined children and adults from the community to celebrate National Fitness Day at the London Aquatics Centre – click the video below.